"Since I was young, I have always been fascinated by bags. They are unlike any other fashion item in that they aren’t bound by the limits of clothing, shoes or accessories that must precisely fit the body. I love bags, and I love the fact that they are a blank canvas for my ideas. When I began working, I was frustrated by the fact that couldn’t find a luxurious bag that didn’t cost an arm and a leg. I always thought that it must be possible to design affordable, premium quality leather handbags that would match my corporate outfits. This is how Reole was born.
I believe that premium quality ladies leather bags should be affordable for everyone. Reole products are made from the finest materials, crafted by selected manufacturers who are very skilled in production, committed to excellent workmanship and a good working environment."
~ Founder of Reole
Reole bags are sophisticated — and crafted to last.